Revitalize your appearance with our female hair micropigmentation treatment. This innovative procedure uses pigmentation techniques to create the illusion of denser hair, disguising areas of thinning or hair loss. Ideal for women who want to restore the natural appearance of their hair, increasing confidence and self-esteem. Schedule your consultation and discover how hair micropigmentation can transform your life.

Renew your appearance with our male hair micropigmentation. This innovative treatment uses pigmentation techniques to create the illusion of denser hair, disguising areas of thinning or baldness. Ideal for men who want to restore the natural appearance of their hair, increasing confidence and self-esteem. Schedule your consultation and discover how hair micropigmentation can transform your life.

Business Hours

Tuesday to Friday
10:00 às 18:00

10:00 às 13:00

Mondays, Sundays and Bank National Holidays: Closed

© - Kristine Lux

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